
Opening Hours


The whole year, except the potter is on holiday


Tue-Fro: 10h - 12h and 14h- 17h30

or after agreement

in October also Sat and Sun 14h - 17h


Place Louis Chevrolet 78

2944 Bonfol

Tel +41 32 474 49 61


With the red train the Chemin de fer du Jura of Porretruy

By car

On foot or by bike across the expanse of the Ajoie

Welcome to Felicitas Holzgang, dipl. Ceramic master, called "la potière", in Bonfol in the Ajoie in the canton of Jura, Switzerland.

Here in my studio with exhibition space you will find both traditional and contemporary ceramics. The production ranges from the medium and small series to the single piece. My work can be found exclusively in Bonfol in the studio sale.

I am happy to face the challenge to realize your dream and give it form and color, provided your time, my maerial and my professional skills allow it.

If you would like to know more, please contact me. I will be glad to hear from you.

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